Teaching about design
I am passionate about teaching what I have learned to students from all different backgrounds. Here are a few of my favorite engagements (not an exhaustive list):
Teaching Design Research and Writing to undergraduates at San Francisco State University as a Lecturer
Designed, developed and delivered an online course on design research and writing; graded assignments; held office hours
Student feedback: “I really enjoyed having Devika as my professor. She is very knowledgeable and open to any changes. She created a course that reflected what students wanted and liked. I hope she teaches more classes other than DES 324 in the future.”
Teaching Human-Centered Design at UCSF (via 10 week course and through workshops with medical students and residents)
Designed, developed and delivered weekly lectures on human-centered design in healthcare; graded assignments
Student feedback: “Incredible knowledge of approaching curriculum development and nice introduction to human centered design. Clear that the instructor has a lot of good information to share. I really appreciated Devika Patel's delivery of information to the audience.”
Guest lecturer at various universities, including Mt Sinal School of Medicine and Georgia Tech University
Designed, developed, and delivered one hour lectures on HCD for health equity
I am always interested in teaching, so if you have any leads or opportunities, feel free to send them my way (devikapatel94@gmail.com).

All photos are pre-COVID-19 pandemic (hence no face masks/social distancing).